
2010이후 CI

The establishment of our first overseas branch in 2001, followed by other branches in China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, U.S., Mexico, has shown our status and new vision of BUHMWOO as we have taken the leap to being a Global Metalworking Fluid Specialist company.


1869~2007 CI

The initial letters in BUHMWOO Chemicals were geometricized (with a straight line in the middle of each letters to represent any person or organization associated with BUHMWOO), to show our corporate philosophy of striving to aim for the improvement of unity for all mankind. Along with the two [+] plus signs representing our passion for creation and the infinite growth of BUHMWOO


창업  CI

The alphabets ‘B’ & ‘W’ in BUHMWOO forms a harmonious symbol in which it means to aspire all board and staff members, including all parties concerned into always helping each other in mutual harmony for the development of BUHMWOO

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