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The ‘WD-40 SPECIALIST’ is a product specially designed to provide optimal specific use for professionals.
All ‘WD-40 SPECIALIST’ products have passed and been certified by all the selective procedures by the NSF(National Sanitation Foundation) in the U.S..

Types & Features

Types & Features
Product Feature Usage
Permeating Agent Can be used on either bonded metal that needs to be decomposed/dismantled,
or on areas that require powerful permeability.
By the capillary effect, a faster penetration is possible;
and by a thin lubricant film formed,
rust/corrosion can also be prevented.
silicon spray Silicon spray is a silicon based lubricant with damp-proof, dehumidification effects, that can be used on metal areas with friction such as, cables, poly, and guide rails. The silicon spray dries quickly with no spots or residue stains, thus it can be used on both metal and nonmetal surfaces.
white lithium grease It has a long term coating and lubrication property, and can store various equipment for a long period of time. It does not melt or freeze in extreme hot or cold temperatures, and it provides a strong lubrication force that does not spill.
degrease It removes various grease, oil, dust, tar,
and adhesives, etc.
It is a foam type spray
that reacts quickly with a high level of permeability.
Dry lubricant Oil Does not stick with teflon lubricants, dust, pollutants, oil, etc; thus maintains a clean surface. Provides strong and long-lasting lubrication due to added PTFE components. Can be used on all types of metal and non-metal surfaces.
Electric contact cleaner Electric panel, PCB, Household appliances,
precision equipment, etc. Electric panel, PCB, Household appliances, precision equipment, etc.
Melting and evaporating various
contaminants quick and clean.

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