Industries Served > BUHMWOO CHEMICAL > CEO Message
Since the establishment of Buhmwoo Chemical in 1973, we, as a company specializing in metalworking fluids, have always put our utmost effort to help our customers gain a competitive edge and create added value by suppling the most essential products crucial for industrial development, such as Cutting oil, Anti-rusting oil, Cleaning oil, Metal Forming oil, etc.
For the past 43 years, we at Buhmwoo Chemicals have supplied over 1,500 clients with our quality metalworking fluids through our accumulated independent technology and know-how. Currently our clientele network grows wider, from our domestic market(South Korea), to China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mexico, thus giving us worth as a Global Corporation.
When Buhmwoo Chemicals was established, we started off with our business philosophy of being customer centered and we believe our consistent growth up to this very day was all in thanks with keeping up to this belief. Through thorough analysis of our customers’ work sites, we tailor-make and supply our products to match the needs of our customers, as well as, putting great effort into providing customer contact services.) through our many regional office branches and vendors.
We at Buhmwoo Chemicals know better than anyone that it was all thanks to your unwavering trust and affection that has helped make us who we are today.
We plan to repay our customers’ devotion to us by putting our best efforts towards developing and providing safer and more convenient metalworking fluids, furthermore contributing towards the development of our technology for a better world, for both people, society and our future.
I hope your visit to our webpage has been a good opportunity in helping you better understand Buhmwoo Chemicals. Finally, I would like to wish only for happiness and good health for all our customers and your families.
Thank you.
Buhmwoo Chemical Ind., Ltd.
President and C.E.O Chul Hyung Lee