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Electronic Materials

Lens Process

These products can effectively clean out grinding powder, oil dirt and glass particles produced after processing, which can therefore replace other harmful products.


Optical Lens cleaner
Items Process Property Temp. for Use(℃) Concentration for Use pH Features
GC3000HP Alkali 50~60 2~5% 12.5(3%) Low-foaming type.
Remove particles bt high alkalinity.
GC3000ER/EC ①,② Alkali 50~60 2~5% 12.5(3%) Removes surfactants, solvents, oil pollutant,
and remnants.
GC3022F ①,② Alkali 50~60 2~5% 12.5(3%) Removes surfactants, solvents, oil pollutant,
and remnants.
GC6100F ②,③ Neutral 50~60 10~30% 7.5(100%) Removes remnants and foreign matters
without affecting the printing
and coating material.

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